Hi, I’m Nancy Scarbrough. I am running for City Council in 2024 in District 2. Brad Avery is the current Council representative for District 2 and he will be termed out in December of 2024.

I believe I am the best candidate for District 2. I have been immersed in City issues for over 5 years, speaking up about housing and the state mandated Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), participating in the review and recommendation of financial matters as a member of the City Finance Committee, participating in the planning of the future of Newport Beach as a member of the General Plan Update Committee, monitoring issues related to John Wayne Airport activity in preparation for negotiation of the extension of the Airport Settlement Agreement,

I am on the formation committee for the Newport Beach Housing Trust whose purpose is to provide funding for the development of affordable housing for our police and fire, hospital, and young professional workers as well as our and senior population.

I stay informed about state and county issues, legislation, and trends by participating in a number of organizations who monitor and advocate for local control of our city zoning and land use.  

Newport Beach has so many remarkable attributes.   We are a city with endless choices for recreation, dining, culture, and entertainment. Our residents are one of our most valuable assets and have made this a city of unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment. There are numerous options for higher education and job training within the city and surrounding areas. We have access to some of the best medical facilities in the country.

We have all worked hard to be able to live in this paradise.

I am not the type to watch from the sidelines. I will continue to work diligently to advocate for residents and businesses to plan for responsible changes that will maintain the quality of life that we enjoy in our wonderful city.

Please vote for me for City Council in November 2024!

Nancy Scarbrough

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